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Civil Suicide

Metal - Death Metal - Experimental

Civil Suicide

Band Members

connor dowling-vocals
liam lawrence-lead guitar
kyle eaten-rythm guitar
conor raikes-bass guitar
kieran stott-percussion

Fans 2 Hits 2148


newark on trent, United Kingdom

We are Civil Suicide. A British Metal-Core band formed in Newark. We all have a burning passion for Metal and decided that we should come together as a band to make the most of our hobbies as musicians. Civil Suicide has been going on for longer than 26.04.11 but only yet formed as a complete band with the arrival of front man Connor Dowling and Drummer Kieran Stott.
Current Location
Newark, Nottinghamshire
Artists we also like
Bring Me The Horizon, Escape The Fate, A Day To Remember, Asking Alexandria, Parkway Drive, The Devil Wears Prada.



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