Punk - Punk - Punk
Official Website
Beckie Brown - Vocals
Buddy Miller - Guitar / Bass / Drum programming / Producing / Engineering / Editting / And the rest..
Fans 15 | Hits 3378 |
From the Fiery depths of below of which Jimi Hendrix lives, The Terrors were born. Unleashing distorted waves of string rattling guitar sounds, and feedback sirening, blowing out your brain. Formed in May 2011, St Helens, England. The Terrors started recording Misfits covers, umong their influences who include Demented are Go, Lady Gaga, The Beatles and Nirvana. Genres ranging from 60s Garage punk, Psychobilly and Rock n Roll. Currently working on new matieral to go towards a demo album, and a live set inwhich crowds of fans will be pumelled into once their ears explode through decibel overdose!