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Thirteen Towers

Punk - Ska - Punk Pop
Official Website

Thirteen Towers

Band Members

Edson Hinstroza -- Bass
Mike Yaary -- Drums
James Tucker -- Vocals
Jack Phillapoom -- Guitar
Cory Rokes -- Trumpet
Daphne Cashion -- Alto Sax
Chris Williams -- Tenor Sax

Fans 5 Hits 3032


Fairfax, VA, U.S.

Thirteen Towers is a ska-punk band from Fairfax, VA. Check out our website www.thirteentowers.com for information on upcoming shows and to check out our new music. Digital downloads of our new full length album _Dude, Don't Make It Weird_ are available February 6, 2016. Please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram and find our videos on YouTube.



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