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Blue Collar Convicts

Punk Rock - Punk - Rock
Official Website

Blue Collar Convicts

Band Members

Keith Jerszyk - Lead Vox, Rhythm Guitar
Jonny Smash Doty - Lead Guitar, Vox
Dean Rider - Bass, Vox
Steve Knowles - Drums

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Pepperell, MA, U.S.

With a punk sound that comes straight out of the depths of listening to classic punks bands such as The Stooges, Sex pistols, Dead Boys, Social Distortion, New York Dolls, the Ramones, some of the Boston-based greats (The Stoves, Slapshot, etc) and lots of 50’s/60’s era rock n’ roll, outlaw country tunes and of course the blues, we all continue to stick to our roots and produce music that is true not only to the name, but to our basic ideals.
Blue Collar Convicts has a history dating back to early 2002 that is so screwed up that trying to explain it here would take WAY too long...so enjoy this truncated version...

Most bands or projects usually get rolling with a focus on something. This was certainly not the case with the Convicts. What started as a side project and nothing more, has spiraled over the years and held together strong... well, the name and the style anyway. For a long time BCC has pushed through band members like one may through cheap whores, only to settle in on a cast of characters which fit the band, it’s style, and what we stand for perfectly.

We have and always will say that we are a working mans band, imprisoned by the walls of society. An ideal that was there at the beginning and continues today. With the commitment, desire, and dream of the middle class going strong, we are here in our free time (which isn't much these days) to play some really badass fuckin’ punk and have a good time and keeping the dream alive!



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