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Fear At Its Finest

Metal - Rock

Fear At Its Finest

Band Members

Allen Clark III-Drums
Alberto Ruiz-Vocals
Jaylen Hobson-Lead/Rythm Guitar
Jacob Bivens-Bass Guitar
Wes Hudson-Lead/Rythm Guitar

Fans 3 Hits 2312


Anderson, IN, U.S.

Fear At Its Finest was formed in early 2008, just North of Indianapolis by founding members Alberto Ruiz & Allen Clark, III.
Clark & Ruiz made short time in becoming a very talented song writing combo. Some say they are a Metal hit making machine. They couldn’t be more dead on. The vocalist & drummer went through a few line up changes in 2008. In 2009, the duo recruited Wes Hudson & Jaylen Hobson as rhythm/lead Guitarists. These two guys’ personalities are like having a little devil & a little angel on each shoulder tempting the fate of “good & evil“. Jaylen is the good one & Wes is the evil one. Metal guitars galore!!! With the addition of Jacob Bivens on bass, the boys finally put together the solid line up they were looking for. An ass kicking, metal, balls to the wall band, full of piss & vinegar, writing songs about the many \"Ailments\" that plague the world today. With Ruiz's vocals, not much unlike the popular metal cartoon character, “Nathan Explosion” from “Metalocalypse/Dethklok” fame. Growling with his powerful lyrics & blood curdling screams, he is in a class of his own. This guy is all throat! In addition, Clark's double time hammering on the drums like a super metal metronome, carpet bombing war machine, with beats that are second to none. Mixed in are Hudson’s & Hobson's battle axe, metal assault guitars, pounding out hard, fast, hooky guitar riffs & leads. All this welded together by Bivens’s gut shaking, plaster cracking, low sonic boom bass lines. It's hard ! It's fast! It's loud! It's Metal!
It's "Fear At Its Finest"!
They are set out to be “the next big thing” out of Indiana. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see them take the world by storm. Thunder storm no doubt.
-Alien Rock



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