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Forgetting Fame

Official Website

Forgetting Fame

Band Members

Luis McElaney (Guitars)
Juan Velasquez (Drums, Vocals, Scrubs)
Justin Ramirez (Guitars, Scrubs)
Alex Figueiras (Bass)
Felipe Gomez (Vocals)

Fans 5 Hits 2454


Norwalk, CT, U.S.

Hailing from Norwalk, CT, the five piece band FORGETTING FAME has finally started getting back into the music with new songs, new shows, and more. The band's roots started with Juan and Luis in their early high school years. After some fine tuning, Forgetting Fame announced their official line up in February 2011, with Juan on drums, Alex on bass, Justin & Luis on guitars, and Felipe as their final addition on vocals.

Forgetting Fame's main goal for the band is to become as big as they can be but not for the money. Forgetting Fame's goal is to play the music they love and to share it with the masses.

"We're in it for the music, sounds cliche we know, but it's so true" - Forgetting Fame.

With influences ranging from A Day To Remember, Escape The Fate, Attack Attack, Bring Me The Horizon, and Four Year Strong the band has been able to please the ears of rock/alternative while bringing in heavy breakdowns that will get you moshing. Their set is one that will leave you wanting more.

Come to a Forgetting Fame show and get the full experience. They're ready to show you what they got.



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