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Foul Play!

Punk Pop - Alternative

Foul Play!

Band Members

Victor Viramontes-Pattison
Ben Giese
Jake Nangle
Jake Poole

Fans 3 Hits 2170
no music yet


Gainesville, FL, U.S.

Yo! we're Foul Play! (exclamation point included). We're a 4-piece punk rock band from Gainesville, consisting of our drummer, Jake Nangle, our vocalist, Victor Viramontes-Pattison, our guitarist, Ben Giese and our bassist, Jake Poole. We're very chill, laid back guys and we love anyone who's willing to listen to our music with a smile. Our genre varies from punk rock, to alternative rock, but no matter what we're playing, we'll be sure to light the place up! Like us on Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/foulplay4



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