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Sanction the Radio

Rock - Punk Rock - Alternative
Official Website

Sanction the Radio

Band Members

Johnny Shumate - Vox and Guitar
Adam Mitchell - Drums
Stephen Adams - Bass Guitar
Will Strawn - Guitar

Fans 5 Hits 1580


Atlanta, GA, U.S.

Sanction the Radio derives it's name from a conversation. Like so many guys playing music together, the fellas of STR were sitting around one night having a conversation about music. The conversation was about what a powerful tool radio is and how misused it seems to be in a corporate world. The guys came to the conclusion that someone, anyone, should step forward and sanction that tool. The definition of "sanction" connotes both positive and negative attributes; intertwines permission and penalty.
Sanction the Radio has taken it upon itself to unleash its punk roots upon the mid-state, laced with heady, introspective lyrics while keeping the uptempo. These "kings...of futures" are keeping an eye on the prize with their new self-titled EP.

-Racheal Helie

Rachel Helie is writer at Crossroads Writers Group, Macon Food&Culture, and contributing editor at The 11th Hour HoCo. Check her out online at http://pygmalion101.tumblr.com or @RachelHelie on Twitter.



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