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Z Stacks

Rock - Punk

Z Stacks

Band Members

Spike Direction - Vocals
Wild Johnny Bubonic - Guitar
Rick "The Silver Machine" Falconer - Guitar
Cyanide Jones - Bass
Kojak - Drums

Fans 4 Hits 889


Medway, Kent, United Kingdom

Born from boredom and a desire to make an almighty racket, Z Stacks took their name from an obscure kids TV show, or a part of a yo-yo, depending on who you ask.
Z Stacks made their live debut in August 2010. They like playing Loud, Messy Blues Punk and they don't care who knows it.
Their music is fun, and Z Stacks have fun playing it, audiences find this enjoyment highly infectious. Dancing and chanting in abundance is not unusual at gigs, and is indeed encouraged.
Before 2011 is done, Z Stacks plan to have their Debut EP completed and released and confidently expect world domination to swiftly follow.



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