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The Debut

Official Website

The Debut

Band Members

Sam Storey - Vocals
Kai Masar - Guitar
Dan Taylor - Guitar
Leigh Dovey - Bass
Danny Blair - Drums

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London, United Kingdom

Fresh from recording their debut video (due to be released on Sunday 13th February) and a support slot with Dopamine at Islington Academy. The boys are back in Essex to show us just how it is done. Having been aware of The Debut for a long time this was the first opportunity to see them in action. Opening with brand new single Fools Gold which is an infectiously catchy track that you will find hard not to move to. Frontman Sam Storey is a bundle of energy and intriguing to watch, with an almost falsetto tone to his voice it is the perfect accompaniment to the backdrop of melodic magic.

Another thing that is endearing to see is how tight they are as a unit on stage, you can’t manufacture that shit. With Kai and Dan on guitars nailing the pop punk/rock melodies and Leigh on bass duties it just works perfectly. Moving onto tracks Masquerade and Club To Death, which in all honesty is probably THE hevypetal favourite, what becomes increasingly apparent is the sheer awesomeness shining from the back of the stage. This my friends is drummer Danny Blair. Quite literally breathtaking to watch and we dare anyone who witnesses him in action not to be in awe. Technically astounding, excitement and passion exudes with every single beat. At one point he was raised from his seat and playing the drums on the ceiling. Genius.

If the previous offerings weren’t enough they then moved onto closing track, the ridiculously catchy Flings. This song could easily be the soundtrack to an internationally successful American teenage rom-com movie without a shadow of a doubt. Joining the lads on stage was vocalist from the headlining band All Forgotten Dan Lawrence. With the line ‘I guess now’s the right time to ask you for a dance tonight!’ bounding from the stage, it was hard not to see a smiling face in the room. A brilliant close to a brilliant set. Big things are coming for these boys, no qualms about it.

Courtesy of HEVYpetal.com



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