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Steamdoll Eliie and the Hoodwinkers


Steamdoll Eliie and the Hoodwinkers

Band Members

The League of Hoodwinkers is made up of the following scallywags and sneak thieves:
Daut Rasulovich - Guitars, vocals, and laser beams
Dmitri Radikovich - Bass guitar and philosophy
Serge Vladimirovich - More guitars and big explosions
Aleksandr Germanovich - Drums and pills and magic potions

Featuring the Incredible Ispanetz and his Magnificent Mouth Organ

And introducing the angelic steam-powered voice of Ellie the Automaton.

Fans 4 Hits 2082


Ufa, Russian Federation

T'was a long time ago, in the 23rd Century, when Professor Alexander Germanovich decided to start a rock and roll collective. He was inspired by American rock bands of the 1950s, as well as punk bands of the 1980s, having only old vinyl records to listen to because the Great Solar Flare of 2123 destroyed all digital media. There was only one problem. He was the last human alive on a dying rock of a planet. None of the various civilizations of sentient cockroaches that evolved from the ashes of mankind were at all interested in rock and roll, so he took it upon himself to create the musicians he would play with out of spare parts, remnants of the homo sapiens that had gone the way of the dinosaur. Learning to play drums was easy. As a child he had to beat the cockroaches off one by one with sticks to keep them from stealing his food. So he got to work; he would need two guitarists, a bassist, and to sing he created Daut Rassulovich, whom he programmed with algorithms to write the music. His robots, powered by steam, could play, but there was something missing. That's when it occurred to him, he needed a female vocalist. So he created Ellie. Once his vision was realized, Steamdoll Ellie and the Hoodwinkers played for hours on end, but the professor couldn't help but notice...there was no one to dance! Out of material to create an automated audience of audiophiles, Alexander did what anyone would do in his situation. He built a time machine! So they travel, from the saloons of the Wild West to opium dens of the Far East and every seedy, smoky dive bar in between filled with pickpockets, prostitutes and circus freaks. And that's what brought them here.



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